Dry Eye
Most people have experienced the feeling of dry eye at some time or another. The condition can range from a mild irritation to a long-term condition associated with great discomfort or pain, and can affect your vision.
Dry eye is very common, but people who suffer from it shouldn’t think they just have to live with it.
The underlying causes of dry eyes are complex and numerous and need a thorough examination from your optometrist to determine the cause and most appropriate treatment.
Dry eye disease treatment is tailored depending on the cause (blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction, environmental or aqueous deficient). It is also tiered, in that mild treatments are used first followed by more intense methods if other therapies fail. Most of these treatments for mild dry eye disease can be completed at home, but we also have more intense therapies that can be completed in-office.
Dry eye disease can be treated. Lubricating eye drops are helpful but are ineffective on their own in many cases. Dry eye disease is best treated with a comprehensive, stepwise management system. This involves restoring proper function to meibomian glands, maintaining good eyelid hygiene, protecting the eyes, and using lubricants.
Eyre Eye Centre is at the forefront of dry eye management - see us for more information and to develop a tailored treatment plan.